
Today I come before you to put you first.
This is not about me.
I’m fine… no lie…
regardless of difficulties and struggles
I’m really handsome under this beard.
I hope you laughed.
I will good cheer your way.
May it channel into enthusiasm.
May no task be a chore.
May your heart sing along to its every beat.
May your vibrant eyes and smile open doors.
May you stand in your truth…
fearless and respected.
May all who will you ill
learn the error of their ways… forthwith.
May we all be more forthright
so as not to waste so much of our time
in confusion.
May your path be more clear for you.
May you know yourself and love when you feel it.
May your moments of doubt be few and far between
and unfounded.
Look… Thrive.
You are deserving of all the blessings
that the divine can muster.
Know that.
Walk in that knowledge.
Walk in your light.


~ Daiikiru Maximillion™
©Errol Percival Jr. 2021

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